Intuitive. Whether you believe SharePoint is intuitive or not, you need help to discover what you can do – and how to do it. Everyone claims that Apple’s iPhone is intuitive, but I’ve never heard anyone describe the way to kill applications you no longer want to run as intuitive. (In case you don’t know — double click the home button then swipe/flick the application up.) With step-by-step instructions and quick instructional videos, we make understanding quick and easy.
We’re proud of our heritage as the first online educational tool for SharePoint, and we’re the only educational provider that has materials for every version of SharePoint since SharePoint 2007. We’re also the only content provider that is specifically designed to allow you to customize the contents for your needs and to be available from your search experience. Just click here for all we have to offer.
More than that, we’ve got a complete set of solutions that are designed to help your team be successful at getting users to adopt SharePoint. If you need content to help them see the power of search, we’ve got you covered. Do you need to help your communicators understand how to write better? We’ve got that, too.